@Madeline - I'm sending you a BIG hug, and sitting alongside you. I feel and resonate with everything you've written. I'm not sure I'll watch the documentary yet, but I'll save it for when I can.

These 3 quotes will stay with me:

'For the first time in a long time, I can point to it and say: This is what it’s like. Not always. But sometimes. How can caregiving for a loved one be so gratifying and heart-warming and loving yet also terrifying and isolating and heart-wrenching? '

'There are caregivers all over the world caring for aging and/or ill loved ones, people who are desperately trying to cling to this reality while acknowledging the very real fear of approaching the future without their loved one in it.'

'It makes me unravel at the core. I feel these emotions twist through me, wringing me out until water emerges in the form of tears from my eyes.'

Thank you for sharing this

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Thank you so much for your wonderful note, Victoria! Sending you a big hug as well. As a complete understatement, caregiving is so hard! Definitely have a box of tissues handy if/when you watch the documentary. After a certain point, I was crying through most of it because it was so heartwarming and heartbreaking. Thank you for reading!

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